Prodigy PGY-SPI-NL software decodificatore di protocollo Node Locked ( per Tektronix Windows Oscilloscope )
SPI Electrical Validation and Protocol Decode Software offers electrical measurements compliance testing and protocol decoding as specified in SPI specification. PGY-SPI Electrical validation and Protocol decode software runs in Tektronix Oscilloscope provides electrical measurements and protocol decode at click of button. This allows engineers quickly check for SPI compliance and flexibility to debug the failure. In addition to this engineer can decode the command and response of SPI debug the communication. PGY-SPI takes advantage of digital channels of MSO and provides the decoding of SPI data lines.
The product features are as follows:
- Automated electrical measurements with customizable reference level of SPI electrical signal.
- Automated measurements independent of speed of SPI Bus
- Customizable measurement limit setup for pass/fail validation of electrical signal to enable measurements at different data speed.
- Decodes SPI signals MOSI and MISO for easy understanding of protocol
- Links the protocol content to the electrical signal in the oscilloscope for easy understanding of the electrical characteristics of the protocol
- Overlays the protocol data on analog waveform in a waveform plot window
- Zooms the selected SPI packet content in the decode table in the waveform plot waveform window for easy analysis of electrical characteristics of the I2C frame
- Ability to view protocol decode data in hexadecimal, decimal, binary, octal, and ASCII formats
- Ability to store the SPI protocol data in CSV and txt format
- Utility features like zoom, undo, and fit screen for easy debugging while correlating the protocol data to the waveform
- Report generation in html format
- Supports wfm and isf file formats for offline analysis